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Glucose Baseline

The glucose baseline test involves the collection of 1-2 samples of blood post fasting and prior to food intake to assess fasting glucose levels. The results provide the baseline glucose level, which helps evaluate insulin sensitivity and overall metabolic health.    

Glucose at 90 min

The 90-minute glucose test, which is part of the oral glucose tolerance test, provides insights into postprandial glucose processing. It evaluates insulin sensitivity and aids in diabetes diagnosis. A typical response involves a temporary glucose spike, followed by normalization. Deviations signal potential issues with glucose metabolism, guiding early intervention and management of related conditions.

Glucose at 60 min

The glucose at 60-minute test is a part of the oral glucose tolerance test that provides insights on glucose processing post-meal or intake of glucose solution, which is used to assess insulin sensitivity and diagnose diabetes. Abnormal patterns may indicate issues with glucose metabolism and require medical intervention.

Glucose at 30 min

The glucose at 30 minutes test assesses post-meal glucose processing in an oral glucose tolerance test, which is crucial for diagnosing conditions like diabetes. A typical response involves a temporary glucose spike, followed by normalization. Deviations signal potential issues with glucose metabolism, aiding in the early detection and management of related conditions.

Glucose at 150 min

A glucose level at 150 minutes refers to a blood glucose measurement during an oral glucose tolerance test taken 150 minutes post-glucose solution intake. This test is widely used to assess glucose metabolism and aids in diagnosing diabetes, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes, guiding subsequent management strategies for optimal health outcomes.

Glucose at 120 min

Glucose at 120 minutes refers to a measurement of blood sugar levels taken 2 hours after consuming a glucose solution, often part of an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). This assessment is crucial for diagnosing conditions like diabetes and guiding healthcare professionals in managing and preventing complications associated with abnormal glucose metabolism.

Glucose 50g Load

A glucose 50g load test screen for gestational diabetes during pregnancy. The mother consumes 50 grams of glucose solution, and blood glucose is measured after one hour. Elevated levels may prompt further testing to diagnose gestational diabetes. The test serves as a standard for pregnant and prenatal care.  

Glucose 3 Hour

The 30-minute glucose challenge is a primary screening test for gestational diabetes. After consuming a glucose solution, blood sugar levels are measured after 30 minutes. Assessing how the body processes glucose, this test is routinely applied during pregnancy to screen for gestational diabetes, facilitating timely intervention and care.

Glucose 2 Hour Post-Prandial

A glucose 2-hour postprandial test measures blood sugar levels 2 hours after food intake and assesses glucose metabolism after a meal, providing insights into potential issues with insulin sensitivity or diabetes. Abnormal results could indicate glucose intolerance or diabetes. It’s often used in conjunction with other tests for a comprehensive evaluation of metabolic health.

Glucose 2 Hour

The 2-hour glucose tolerance test measures post-fasting blood glucose. After a glucose solution intake, samples are taken at 1 and 2 hours, evaluating glucose processing. Elevated levels at 2 hours suggest diabetes or prediabetes. This test evaluates blood sugar regulation, commonly used in pregnancy or diabetes suspicion.