IgE Allergy, Eggplant
Eggplant, commonly consumed fruit, contains proteins and cross-reacting ingredients that act as allergens that induce type IgE hypersensitivity on exposure through the oral route or with direct skin contact manifesting with gastrointestinal symptoms, abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, rhinitis, asthma, atopy, and anaphylaxis. Healthcare professionals use this diagnostic tool to ascertain patients’ allergenicity and provide guidance […]
IgE Allergy, Egg Yolk
Egg Yolk contain alpha livetin (Gal-d-5) and YGP42 proteins that act as allergens known to induce type1 IgE hypersensitivity on exposure through the oral route or with direct contact manifesting with gastrointestinal symptoms, abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, rhinoconjunctivitis, bronchial asthma, anaphylaxis, and atopy. Healthcare providers utilize this diagnostic tool to ascertain patients’ allergenicity and provide […]
IgE Allergy, Egg White
Most of the immunogenic proteins are found in the egg white with five major allergenic components: ovomucoid (Gal d 1), ovalbumin (Gal d 2), ovotransferrin (Gal d 3), lysozyme (Gal d 4), and ovomucin. Allergens are known to induce type1 IgE hypersensitivity. Healthcare professionals utilize this diagnostic tool to provide guidance for allergen-specific immunotherapy.
IgE Allergy, Dog Dander
Dogs produce profuse hair and dander extracts having canis familiaris allergens such as Can-f-1, Can-f-2, Can-f-4, and Can-f-6 antigens that can bind to IgE antibodies and induce Type1 IgE hypersensitivity on exposure through nasal inhalation manifesting with hay fever, skin rash, and wheezing. Healthcare professionals utilize this test to evaluate sensitization and allergic status in […]
IgE Allergy, Dill
Dill is a crucial aromatic annual herb. The patient, who has a history of allergic rhinitis, displayed manifestations such as oral pruritus, swelling of tongue and throat, urticaria, and immediate vomiting and diarrhea post ingestion of foods cooked with dill. Healthcare professionals employ this test to ascertain the allergic status and provide guidance for immunotherapy.
IgE Allergy, Date Palm
Date palms produce flowers with pollen containing Pho-d-2 profilin proteins acting as an allergen known to induce type 1 IgE hypersensitivity on exposure through nasal inhalation or direct contact, manifesting with gastrointestinal symptoms, anaphylaxis, and atopic dermatitis. Healthcare professionals employ this test to ascertain a patient’s allergic status and provide guidance for immunotherapy. Important note: […]
IgE Allergy, Date
Date contains panallergen, profilin, an allergen found with pollen and lipid transfer protein (LTP) that has been with fruit ingredient act as an allergen known to induce type1 IgE hypersensitivity on exposure through oral route, and pollen inhalation manifesting with hives, asthma, anaphylaxis, and atopy. Healthcare professionals use this diagnostic tool to ascertain patients’ allergenicity […]
IgE Allergy, Dandelion
Dandelion is a perennial weed grown worldwide. It produces profuse pollen allergen known to induce type 1 IgE hypersensitivity on exposure through nasal inhalation manifesting with rhinitis, rhino conjunctivitis, exacerbation of bronchial asthma, conjunctivitis, anaphylaxis, and atopic dermatitis. Healthcare professionals use this test to assess allergic status and provide guidance for allergen-specific immunotherapy.
IgE Allergy, Curry
The IgE Curry Allergy test is used to diagnose and manage patients with curry powder allergies. Clinically, the allergic symptoms present as urticaria, anaphylaxis when inhaled, and gastrointestinal symptoms when ingested. This test is susceptible and specific. Healthcare professionals can directly assess the allergic status and facilitate prompt and effective intervention. Important note: Minimum volume […]
IgE Allergy, Cucumber
The cucumber is a long, cylindrical, green fruit belonging to the gourd family and has edible seeds and flesh used for fresh consumption or cooking. It has Cuc-s-2 profilin (1-2) acting as an allergen known to induce type1 IgE hypersensitivity allergy on exposure through the oral route manifesting with gastro-intestinal symptoms, abdominal pain, anaphylaxis and […]