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Chromogranin A

Chromogranin A (CgA) is a protein produced by neuroendocrine cells in response to various signals. This test measures CgA levels in blood and serves as a biomarker in diagnosing neuroendocrine tumors and monitoring treatment. The test results provide information on prognosis of tumor in response to therapy.

Cholinesterase Variant Screen

The Cholinesterase Variant Screen test measures genetic variants that respond abnormally to succinylcholine enzyme activity, affecting medication metabolism, nerve function, and liver health. The test screens for these variants, aiding in tailored treatment approaches and detecting abnormal genotypes effectively in population surveys.

Chlamydia Trachomatis Ab

The Chlamydia trachomatis antibody detection test diagnoses infections when pathogens are no longer detectable in swabs. Particularly useful for Lymphogranuloma venereum infection caused by C. trachomatis detecting systemic antibody responses, aiding in inguinal disease diagnosis. Healthcare professionals use this indirect method to diagnose chronic or invasive infections and post-infectious complications, such as sexually acquired reactive […]

Chlamydia Pneumoniae PCR

Chlamydia pneumoniae PCR is a molecular diagnostic technique that utilizes polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the presence of Chlamydia pneumoniae, a bacterium known to cause respiratory tract infections presenting with atypical pneumonia, bronchitis, and upper respiratory tract infections. A test involves amplification of chlamydia genetic structure, extension using DNA polymerase, and producing copies of […]

Carnitine Total and Free

The Carnitine total test measures both bound and free carnitine levels, while free carnitine” measures explicitly the unbound portion. These tests help assess carnitine levels, diagnosing conditions affecting energy metabolism or carnitine deficiency, which can lead to muscle weakness, fatigue, and other symptoms.

Candida albicans IgM Ab

The Candida albicans IgM test is used to detect the presence of IgM antibodies specific to Candida albicans. Elevated levels of IgM antibodies may indicate an active or recent infection. The test is often used in conjunction with other tests to diagnose systemic candidiasis or other fungal infections.

Candida albicans IgG Ab

Candida albicans IgG Ab test assesses the presence of IgG antibodies specific to Candida albicans, a yeast commonly associated with fungal infections. Elevated levels of these antibodies may indicate a systemic candidiasis infection. This test aids in diagnosing Candida-related conditions and guiding appropriate treatment strategies.

Calcitonin Level

Calcitonin level determination is intended to be used in diagnosing and treating diseases involving the thyroid and parathyroid glands, comprising carcinoma and hyperparathyroidism. By measuring the levels of the Calcitonin hormone, healthcare professionals can directly assess the endocrine dysfunction, facilitating rapid and effective intervention.

Caffeine Level

The Caffeine level test analyses serum caffeine levels, a stimulant in various over-the-counter products. It’s recommended for cases of acute or chronic caffeine poisoning due to excessive intake from sources like energy drinks or appetite suppressants, which pose risks of toxicity. Healthcare providers use this test when encountering unstable vital signs, seizures, or altered sensorium […]


BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumour suppressor genes, and this test identifies gene mutations. Alterations increase cancer risk, particularly in breast, ovarian, colon, pancreas, and stomach cancers in females and breast, pancreatic, testicular, and prostate cancers in males. Healthcare professionals employ this test when suspecting such malignancies, aiding in early detection and tailored treatment strategies.